About Epic Financial
Bridging the Gap Between Lenders, Dealerships & Purchasers
Epic has been providing financing solutions to customers of automotive dealerships since 2007. We are 100% Manitoba owned and operated. Our primary function is to act as a conduit between several lenders in providing automotive loans to the customers of Franchise and Independent Dealerships.
Many Dealerships had difficulty in securing financing options for their clients due to not meeting specific criteria and quotas on volume. EPIC was created to bridge this gap by pooling the financing needs of these small and medium sized independent dealerships, as a group represented by EPIC, meet the quotas and can thereby offer financing to their clients.
EPIC arranges financing for automotive dealership’s clients completely as a third party through EPIC’s lender portfolio. Both the lenders and dealerships are connected to EPIC, not to each other. EPIC is acting as an agent for each lender and providing each with a specific service and product to increase their loan portfolio with customers that meet their specific qualifications through a single source, resulting in low transaction costs. Our lenders are also increasing their member base through these loans and can benefit from future services provided to the customers through mortgages, lines of credits, and other repeat business.
Our mission is to provide a beneficial service to all of our clients; lenders, independent and franchise dealerships, and customers looking to obtain the vehicle financing, while balancing each of these clients needs and acting in everyone’s best interest. We pride our selves in customer service and can always confidently say that EPIC acts with the utmost ethics, which is refreshing in the automotive industry. EPIC is always looking to strengthen our lender network.
If you are interested in joining our team and would like additional information about EPIC and how we operate, please contact us.